20% Loss in 2 Hours on Extended Battery

Hmm Facebook running in background , I am not sure mine is solid 30+ hours

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Still having issues with extended battery consistency. On one charge it will last two days and then another charge won't last a full day. Can't figure out what the issue is...not rooted, running standard system with normal use.

Sent from my Thunderbolt

Analyze your battery use and monitor your running services.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
I've had my thunderbolt for about a week and a half now. I love it but have had nothing but trouble with the battery. I have had an extended battery from the start (after reading the forums). 2 days ago I got 36 hours on the battery and that was with lots of texting and emailing, more than a few phone calls, leaving it on all night, some web surfing, and 2 uses of Google's navigation app. Today, starting with a full charge, I got about 10 hours before it died and all I did was read one email and text twice. I didn't change any settings in between. I have 4G on all the time and it's set to auto-sync. I do have Auto Task Killer (as recommended by Verizon). My screen brightness is set to 30%. I'm in a strong 4G area. The only difference was the part of the city I was in during the 36 hour day and the 10 hour day.

Why would I get such different battery life on two different days?

I'm seeing so many different recommendations about things like Auto Task Killer that I don't know what to do. After the Verizon person installed it I got the 36 hour day out of my battery so I thought it was working. Now I don't know what to do.

I don't want to "root" my phone because Verizon told me that would void my warranty. I love this phone but I'm really frustrated with it dying all the time! I don't
want to bring my charger to work!

What's your method of charging the extended battery? I think mine might be defective.
I just plug it in every night. I had been getting great battery life by turning off the 4G radio. Now sometimes it's not even at 100% right off the charger and sometimes it lasts all day and sometimes not... Very frustrating and I'm considering giving it back and waiting for the Droid Bionic...

Any news on an HTC software fix for this battery issue? I can't imagine trying to read a book or watch a movie on this phone when I can't even text and email without having my battery die.
Still having issues with extended battery consistency. On one charge it will last two days and then another charge won't last a full day. Can't figure out what the issue is...not rooted, running standard system with normal use.

Sent from my Thunderbolt

Analyze your battery use and monitor your running services.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums

How do you do analyze your battery use?

I am getting similar results with the extended battery. I was on a business trip and it lasted me for 2 full days. But the last few days i've been getting the warning message saying I needed to plug in after about 6 hours.

Not sure what causes the huge swings in drainage.
Some apps you get kill your battery without showing up on the menu that shows what's consuming your battery. I went to sleep with 75% and when I woke up after 8 hours it had 1 percent left, with extended battery.

I had downloaded an app that I was pessimistic about, removed it...battery went back to good. Downloaded again, same battery issue. Removed app, great battery again.

The app is megaviewer movie (something like that)...

try to remember if you've downloaded any recent apps that may be messing up your battery
Still having issues with extended battery consistency. On one charge it will last two days and then another charge won't last a full day. Can't figure out what the issue is...not rooted, running standard system with normal use.

Sent from my Thunderbolt

Analyze your battery use and monitor your running services.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums

How do you do analyze your battery use?

Settings > About Phone > Battery > Battery Use -------this will tell you what exactly is draining your battery. The display should always be the #1 user, unless you let your phone sit with the screen off for 2 days.

To view your running services and how much memory they are taking up, go to:
Settings > Applications > Running Services

Edit: Oh, and my 1600mah battery lasted 18 hours yesterday....I did a little browsing and a couple games.
Total display 'on' time was 2 hours, 14 min.
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After reading a post on here yesterday last night i pulled the battery out before plugging it in to charge overnight. Left the house at about 7am its now almost noon and my battery is still showing full :icon_ banana:. Hopefully i dont have to keep pulling out the battery to get a "full" charge. Removing that back cover piece is a pain in the arse

My old BB had a program called "quickpull" which simulated a battery pull, is there anything like that on android?
Guys, I would recommend not worrying about the battery meter. It's not only incredibly inaccurate but it's really a waste of time to worry about getting it to a % that you want it to, in my opinion. After spending several days gauging my use, the battery meter has constantly shown different %s even at the same time in the day, it's not consistent.
I have had the same experience. Since 4g went down the battery has been lasting over 24 hours still at 79%. I have not changed any settings, actually bumped up the brightness too.

Sent from my Thunderbolt