After force reset, gallery showing wrong pictures


Nov 29, 2009
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I have a bunch of pictures on my SD card. After a force reset, whenever I go into the gallery, the thumbnails are correct, but if I select a picture, it seems to very briefly show a low-res expanded thumbnail, then shows a completely different picture. It looks like Gallery is maintaining a cache somehow that no longer lines up with the SD card after the force reset.

How do I clear Gallery's cache? There is no menu item that I can find for that. If I got into the Manage Applications of the settings menu I can "Clear Data" for the Gallery, but I didn't select that because I am afraid it would actually delete my pictures. When I get home tonight I can back them up and try that I guess.

Anybody else seen this? Any ideas?
After doing an unmount on the SD Card and then a SHIFT-ALT-DEL, it started behaving properly for me.
I am also having this problem, and the SHIFT+ALT+DELETE didn't help. Any ideas?
If I remember correctly, I only performed an unmount of the SD card and then SHIFT-ALT-DEL. However, I think somewhere in the process I actually removed the card. Sorry, it has been a while and I have since graduated to an X.

If that doesn't work for you, try the following steps:

1) unmount the SD card in the "Settings" menu
3) remove the card
4) restart the phone without the card
5) SHIFT-ALT-DEL again
6) replace the card
7) restart the phone

If that doesn't work for you, I'm not sure what else to do...