Android 5.0 Officially Confirmed by Google on Video; Final Dessert Name Still Unknown


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Google just released the above teaser video for Android 5.0. Two things are immediately obvious from the humorous video. One, Android 5.0 is the actual version number (which we already knew). Two, they still haven't revealed the dessert name. In fact, the whole video was a teaser to boost anticipation for the final tasty name.

What do you think it will be? Licorice? Lemon Meringue Pie? Lava Cake?

*As an interesting side-note... a number of different desserts are "auditioning" in the video, but lollipop is conspicuously absent... coincidence?
Well is lollipop really a dessert? I see it more as a candy treat than a dessert. Hold true to a certain extent with licorice is well and frankly I hope it's not licorice because I don't like licorice. Just my own opinion of course.
It could just be Google having a bit of fun with is like they did with KitKat. If you remember, they teased and suggested it would be Key Lime Pie right up until the end, but then switched it at the last second. Here's either more evidence it will be lollipop, or more evidence it will be another fake-out: Screenshot from Google developer outs Lollipop for Android 5.0 name