Android 7.1 Preview No Wipe For Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X


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Oct 6, 2011
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Rootjunky has done it again! Every time Google comes out with a new version of Android Tom gets to work on fixing the stock images. The stock images from Google are meant to be flashed by simply double clicking the flashall.bat, but they never actually work.

Not only does Tom fix the flashall.bat files he also removes the command line which causes your device to be wiped. This is probably the easiest way to update to the latest version of Android no matter what firmware you happen to be running. Head to the link below to grab the modified stock image for both the 6P and 5X.

Nexus 6P Andorid 7.1 Preview
Nexus 5X Android 7.1 Preview
Should be 7.1.1 preview.