Android N Developer Preview 4 Is Here!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Google has just released the next preview build of Android N. This is Developer Preview Build 4 or Beta Build 2. For now the build is supported on the Nexus 5x, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9, Nexus Player, Pixel C, and the General Mobile 4G. The build number is NPD56N. The easiest way to grab this build of course is to join the beta program and just receive the update over the air.

If you would rather flash the build manually you can grab it at the Google link below, and you can flash it through recovery with the file also linked below.

Changes to this build include the inclusion of the final APIs, recourse locales individually negotiated for each resource object prior to app open, launcher shortcuts api removed, BLE scanning behaviors changed (scans more than 5 per 30 seconds have been stopped, long running scans converted into opportunistic scans), and Multi Window height and width renamed.

This is Beta and as such there are some functions that aren't 100%. There may still be kernel panics and crashes, all app tray may become unresponsive, setup wizard may chrash when "not now" is selected in "setup email" screen, plus many more bugs. Full change log can be found below.

Change Log

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