Annoying Music art


Dec 25, 2009
Reaction score
Several months ago I decided to try out Cyanogen mod rom. It was great except when i went to my music (it had the ES music mod) some of my songs had this really ugly album art.

Since then I have wiped my phone several times. The image was always there and I searched for where it was but couldn't find it. I even reformatted the sd card and installed things one by one.

I've done several wipes, changed roms, and everything but I can't find out how to get rid of it. It was never in my songs before until I installed cyanogen mod. I found that it is only for the songs that don't have an album name and under the album tab they are labeled as "Music."

Any ideas on how to get rid of this? I thought I could just live with it but the image is just really annoying me especially because I want to use the 4x4 widget with album art. Oh and I've also tried other music apps but they all still have that image.
bump. Does anyone now how to fix this?
Is it possible to screenshot what you are talking about?

Need more of a visual reference to know if I have experienced this or not.

Also, try album art finder, great for replacing your album art and it might fix your problem.
I got album art finder on the market and it worked perfectly. I was able to manually change the image to something fromt he gallery. Thanks!