Another Incredible Video of Apartment Using Unreal Engine 4 Hits the Web


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

On another Thursday with slow news back in January of this year, we shared an interesting bit of Off Topic news regarding the future of gaming graphics. It was a video of a French apartment which was rendered entirely in the Unreal Engine 4 game rendering engine. It was amazing to say the least because of its realistic depiction of textures, shapes and lighting. As amazing as it was, another video has surfaced which actually trumps it.

The above video is from a real-time demo created using the Unreal Engine 4 game engine for future next-gen gaming. This time we have a Scandinavian apartment that was created using the expertise of an architectural visualization expert. Its realism is mind-blowing! What's especially cool is that you don't have to take the video's word for it. You can actually download the demo and check it out yourself if you think your PC has the internal hardware to tackle it. You can also find a second video which is much like the one above.

Here's the link: Virtual Tour cgcloud
I'm always impressed with what can be done with computer graphics. Reminds me a lot of what's done with the computer program called Blender( for those interested).

Trapped from a Nexus 6