Answer/Decline call button graphics rotated 90 degrees


Feb 19, 2010
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I received a replacement phone for my Droid. On the new phone when I receive a call the Green and Red sliders to accept or ignore a call are rotated 90 degrees; one pointing up and one pointing down (the position on the screen is still roughly the same).

They still slide the way they're supposed to (ie NOT in the way the arrows now point, but the way they're supposed to point). Anybody know how to fix this corruption? It doesn't really affect the operation of the phone but it's annoying.
Mine does that every now and then. A reboot makes all right with the world.
Wow, I could *swear* I had rebooted since I started having the problem several days ago. I work in IT and tell people to reboot their machines several times a day, making this very embarrassing. A reboot did indeed solve the problem. ::facepalm:: I guess since I had the problem since I got the new phone I just assumed it was more than just a random glitch.

I shall be in the corner giving myself 50 lashes with an old parallel printer cable. Thanks for the advice.