App to get a notification when I have a voicemal?


Sep 16, 2010
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I'm using the app Easy Reminder to get constant notifications when I have a missed call or a text message. But it doesn't work on voicemails. Anyone know of something that will work on all three?

I can't understand why this isn't base functionality in Android. Even my plain old basic cell phone from 10 years ago did this.
Hmmm - My phone notifies me when I have a VM... Strange that yours doesn't.

My phone also often times "rings" just before I receive a voice mail. It lets me know to answer the call. :) [/sarcasm]
Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was I get no further audio notifications of a voicemail after that first one. So if I don't hear the initial notification, I'm out of luck unless I take the phone out of my pocket and check it.

On my 10 year old plain-old cell phone, it would beep every couple of minutes when you had a text or voicemail.
I'm wondering about this too...99.9% of the time, my phone is on vibrate. If I get a voicemail, there's no vibrate notification for voicemail. I do get the little icon but it'd be nice to have a vibrate when a VM is left. Can that be enabled somewhere on the phone? I've looked all over and can't seem to find anything...I don't use any fancy apps for notifications, just the stock phone options.