Apple Admits To Slowing Down Older iPhones

I would still argue that the Z2 Force is the best phone of 2017. Imagine if the Note didn't need a case because it had a 4 year guarantee that the screen won't crack?

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Though I clown the Samsung phones I still give Samsung its due for making a strong comeback with the Note 8. And what better way to make a comeback and make people forget about the fiasco last year than by having the best android phone of 2017. Though Google Pixel 2XL was my choice, the display issues is what knocks it back from being the top dog.

I do remember this being an issue with the older TouchWiz that is also why google helped them develop one that didn't have the memory leaks the previous versions had. I had older versions of Samsung devices and you are correct as time went on, they were terrible but not because of the battery, but because of TouchWiz. I had the Note 5 and never saw any slow downs at all, and I had the phone for 2ish years, and I would still have it if it wasn't for Verizon given me an amazing deal to come back. I'm no Samsung fanboy, as I also think iPhones are pretty decent overall, but Samsung has been making improvements left and right, and the only thing Apple seems to be doing at this point is copying everyone else (for the most part), which isn't a bad thing, as long as they are features that the user community wants.

I do think that Apple was 100% being deceptive in this instance and they should reap the benefits of such manipulation. Now for many people, they want the latest and greatest anyways, so for those people, it wouldn't matter because they got a new iPhone every year, but I know many people who would never have updated if they didn't say their phone was basically a paperweight. I really do hope Apple gets what they deserve in this instance because I absolutely hate companies that deceive to make a profit.
after reading apples apology, IMO, if after a year, apple needs to slow down the phone in order to prevent battery issues, it makes me wonder about the quality of the phone itself. there should never be that type of issue after a year unless you are just wanting to sell newer phones.

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I mean, if TouchWiz slows down the phone after 6 months or whatever, you can always just factory reset.