Apple May Seek to Ban Future Samsung Devices

cereal killer

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Oct 29, 2009
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Austin, TX
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Here we are again folks, back in court with Apple and Samsung. This next round things get a lot more serious though. Apple, in it's desperate attempts at trying to regain lost smartphone market share from Samsung, may push to add unreleased Samsung mobile products, on top of the other 26 products, to a permanent U.S. sales ban it’s seeking after winning a $1.05 billion verdict. Just when you thought the $1 billion verdict was enough, word is that Apple will attempt to argue that Samsung owes them an additional $535 million for Samsung’s willful infringment. As expected Sammy says they are being charged unfairly and that the jury miscalculated the amount owed in the first place. They hope to see the total recounted and lowered.

U.S. District Judge Lucy H. Koh will also hear Samsung’s argument that the verdict should be thrown out because of alleged misconduct by the jury’s foreman. Samsung’s argument that it deserves a new trial is based on its claim that Velvin Hogan (jury foreman) had introduced “incorrect and extraneous legal standards” in the jury deliberations that may have produced the faulty verdict. It has also come out that Hogan was once sued by Seagate Technology, a Samsung partner. Isn't that an interesting bit of information?

As you can see this war is far from over and Samsung has it's work cut out for it here in the States. How this will end up is anyone's guess, but the possibility of Samsung having a ban on their future products could really hurt the company in the mobile space. If the ruling goes in favor of Apple, it will have a direct impact on innovation across the board for Android manufacturers, and that is something we desperately wish to avoid. How do you think this next battle will play out? Will Apple be able to convince the judge to go ahead with a future product ban and will Samsung convince Judge Lucy Koh to lower the amount owed to Apple?

Source: Business Week
Judge Koh seems to be deep in Apple's pockets so I really have no idea. The US courts seem to be opposite of what most of the courts in other countries are ruling too. Apple is a giant POS to me.
Love my 2010 mbp!

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Koh: "For barely two million phones I don't think it's realistic that Apple's lost profits would be $8 million."
Went right to the neck!
I have officially BANNED Apple products from being in my possesion. lol
How can you ban something that hasn't been manufactured yet? Apple's lawyers have gone all minority report here. Would love to hear if there is precident for this.
Don't forget, it was reported a while ago that the ITC (?) decided that Apple's "rubber band" patent was invalid due to prior art, and that was one of the patents that Samsung was found guilty of infringing on. If Apple's appeal fall short and the patent is indeed determined invalid, then that would adversely affect the decision against Samsung. After all, you can't infringe on a patent that is invalid.