Apps disappear from home screens


Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hello Droiders,
Sometimes when I close out of an app and go back to my home screens, all my apps disappear and I have to reset my droid to get em back (this happens just about daily). Anyone else having this issue? Any solutions?
Not sure what is causing the problem. But anytime I connect my phone to my pc as a mass storage device then disconnect from my pc some of my apps disappear from the home screen.

The droidxforum app is one of them.
Rooted and running stock rom and gingerbread.

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Not sure what is causing the problem. But anytime I connect my phone to my pc as a mass storage device then disconnect from my pc some of my apps disappear from the home screen.

The droidxforum app is one of them.
Rooted and running stock rom and gingerbread.

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maybe its saved to your sd card?
Mass storage will put everything on your sd card on your pc to view.

So basically, it takes everything off your sd card on your phone.
How do I then move it back to phone?

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I'm not convinced this is not a simple bug that's difficult to replicate on command. I've seen it happen before as well as some icons changing from the app icon to a generic monitor and gear icon. This sort of thing happens on Windows and Mac sometimes and it's usually fixed by rebooting in my experience. You might try that.

As far as apps moving on their own to the SD card, I don't think I've ever seen that happen. I believe YOU must do that yourself and it sounds like you have not done that which means it's more a bug in my opinion.

Mounting the SD card to the PC and then disconnecting should not cause this. I'm not sure if DroidXDoes4G is literally saying the data on the SD card moves to the PC. Nothing moves or gets deleted when you connect to a PC. It simply maps the SD card to a drive letter on your PC so you can explore it through a file browser.

So there's probably a bug in the way the phone handles the disconnection and remounting of the SD card but, if your apps are not stored on the SD card (you would know that if they were since you have to move them yourself) then this should not be the problem.
So could out be the drivers on my pc? I haven't tried restarting my pc, I will try that and check back tonight when I can test it out

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I don't see any posts since May. Were you able to resolve this issue. I am experiencing a similar issue on my Samsung Droid Charge and and determined the apps and widgets are disappearing from my home pages whenever memory is cleared. I can go to task manager and clear memory and they disappear, restart the phone and they disappear, or noticed yesterday when I was watching ESPN they disappeared as well so I suspect that application clears memory when it is started.

Any updates on your issue?
Glad I'm not the only one having this issue...

After my recent Gingerbread OTA update, and the subsequent bugs that have come up, I moved several apps to the SD card to retain my data should the phone decide to self destruct.

Now, each time I connect to the computer via USB, only those apps that are now on the SD card disappear from the home screen. I can put them back, but it's a real pain in the butt. Moving them back to the phone isn't really a good option because of potential loss if the phone gives up the ghost.

Other than a factory reset, as suggested by the Tech Support folks at Verizon, is there anyone who knows of a fix?

Oh, by the way, Verizon gave me the standard "we haven't been notified of this issue" BS. I asked the lady on the phone to submit a formal product issue notification, and forward the problem to Motorola. Not that there's any guarantee it will be done, but now if anyone else calls and they say "they don't know about it", we'd be able to confirm that they simply ignore customer complaints.

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Same problem - Droid X and GB

Having the same issue - when I move apps to the SD card, the icon disappears from the home screen. Manuallky putting it back works, but what a pain....
Yesterday I decided to back up my SD card by unmounting it, removing it, placing it in a card reader and backing it up on the PC. Upon connection to the PC, it was not even seen. I popped in another SD card which was recognized immediately. So I took the Droid SD card and tried it in another reader on another PC and it still failed to be seen. The Safely Remove Hardware icon showed up in the system tray so Windows knew something was connected but it did not show up as a drive as SD cards normally do.

I then put the card back into the phone and it mounted fine but about 7 of the apps I placed on one home screen (the farthest right - for games) disappeared and I had to add them back. NONE of them have been moved to the SD card. In fact, I have never moved any apps to the SD card because, after installing abou1 100 or so apps (no, I don't use them all), I still have 6GB out of 8GB available on the phone. So no need to move anything to the SD card except for music and movies and some PDF files.

Why do the apps disappear from the home screen? Don't know.

Why does the SD card fail to be recognized by Windows? Don't know. It IS seen when I connect the phone to my PC but I should be able to see the card. Odd.
The SD card gets dismounted by the phone and mounted by the PC on USB connection.
An inability to dismount the SD card for any reason may result in the phone rebooting itself at this point.
Phone can't access the SD card anymore.
If you properly dismount the SD card from the PC, no open files should be messed up, and the phone should re-mount the SD card.
But some mediocre apps that expect continuous connectivity to the app/ card can't reconnect(?), and may malfunction. I hear apps that have widgets on the phone should not be AppToSD.
Just my theory...

My solution is not to AppToSD anything; keep it all on the phone.

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