Asus Transformer TF300 Gets Jelly Bean Update; Rolling Out Now


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

One of the best bang-for-your-buck 10.1-inch tablets, the Asus TF300, just got better. Asus just announced recently that they are rolling out an OTA of Android 4.1/Jelly Bean. It is hitting the airwaves since yesterday, and should be coming to your device any day now. If you are impatient you can always try and check for it manually. Thanks to our tipster, janner43!

Source: TransformerForums
My next tab will be an Asus. Only have a Nexus 7 now but I would like something bigger to do some work on. They have shown outstanding support for their products so far.
Just grabbed it by checking for updates - took about 10 minutes to upgrade. So far, it's a pretty transparent update (i dont notice any big changes, but it seems smoother? I'll be curious if anything else stands out after more usage (other than Google Now).

If you are rooted (I am) and you kept the bootloader locked to get OTA (I did), i'm pretty sure the OTA update breaks root - i had OTA rootkeeper installed, and I had to use it to get root back. Just a friendly reminder/nudge if you are super excited to grab 4.1.1 - and you are rooted - and you dont have rootkeeper/equivalent installed.

i love my Tf300. one of my favorite products of this generation (and yeah, Asus support is just great - seems their cozy relationship with Google helps out all their customers, not just nexus7-ers)