Backup Assistant for RubiX Focused

Well the issue is just with them being displayed. If I get a phone call, it shows the name, but they do not appear under the contacts tab. Tried messing with the contact display settings but no dice. Guess I may just have to do it the other way?

No idea. If they're sync'd to the phone via normal methods (as in, not restored by backup.. or ??), then they SHOULD be visible.

The contacts that seem to be missing.. do you know where they were sync'd with before this started happening (I assume it started when you loaded Focsued(?).
Example: If they were google contacts, then they should show up in google contacts online (on computer as well)...
If they're in Google contacts online, then visibility settings **should** fix. If not, then where did they come from? :p
I did it through google. Thanks very much. It was alot easier to deal with. Have a great day and thanks again.
I did it through google. Thanks very much. It was alot easier to deal with. Have a great day and thanks again.

Glad it's working!
Ya, Google Contacts is the best way to go for Android, by far. Everything just works. :p
Installed Rubix 1.6 focused.. and tried this... I assume this may just be for .5 but it has worked for me... up until the point where I pull up my contacts and see only a handfull (roughly 20) in the list. Any ideas as to what might be the issue? Any help is appreciated and love the job you guys do.

The reason why backup assistant won't show the contacts is because it is associated with blur contacts and blur syncing. Focused uses the android contacts app which syncs only with google and uses no blur. Best way to do it is the way sephtin said
I'm new here but I found a way to get around this problem so I decided to join and post for everyone.

On your PC:
Login to your Verizon Account.
Go to the Backup Assistant online UI.
Select all of your contacts and export to a .csv file.
Login to your gmail account.
Go to your contacts.
Go to Import Contacts.
Use the contact.csv file you just downloaded from Verizon Wireless.
Make sure Gmail has synced with your phone. The phone numbers will show up as notes.

Now I'm not sure if this step is necessary because of the order I tried things in but:
Follow these steps:

It will install the Backup Assistant app on your phone.
Run Backup Assistant and sync.
You're done!

So now, at least on my X, all of my contacts are showing up with their phone #'s and then a little note that has their phone number in it. I hope this helps people! I wish we could have the stock Contacts and Dialer apps on RubiX Focused :( AMAZING ROM otherwise!
Ok so I got the back assistant to load but all it does is contacts do not go into my contact list running rubix focuses 1.89 Could someone please help.
Ok so I got the back assistant to load but all it does is contacts do not go into my contact list running rubix focuses 1.89 Could someone please help.

backup assistant requires blur contacts and sync, as well as blur framework. The new rubix your running has modified framework to where there is no blur involved, basically whatsoever. Same reason the blur dialer wouldn't even work properly if you tried to reinstall that. Follow the directions posted by sephtin about importing contacts to google from the vzw website, and then all of your contacts should appear in your contacts section once synced with google.
Ok so I got the back assistant to load but all it does is contacts do not go into my contact list running rubix focuses 1.89 Could someone please help.
Ok so I got the back assistant to load but all it does is contacts do not go into my contact list running rubix focuses 1.89 Could someone please help.

backup assistant requires blur contacts and sync, as well as blur framework. The new rubix your running has modified framework to where there is no blur involved, basically whatsoever. Same reason the blur dialer wouldn't even work properly if you tried to reinstall that. Follow the directions posted by sephtin about importing contacts to google from the vzw website, and then all of your contacts should appear in your contacts section once synced with google.

Directions he's referring to:
Migrating contacts from "Phone" (BackUp Assistant), to Google Contacts
Ok so I got the back assistant to load but all it does is contacts do not go into my contact list running rubix focuses 1.89 Could someone please help.
Ok so I got the back assistant to load but all it does is contacts do not go into my contact list running rubix focuses 1.89 Could someone please help.

backup assistant requires blur contacts and sync, as well as blur framework. The new rubix your running has modified framework to where there is no blur involved, basically whatsoever. Same reason the blur dialer wouldn't even work properly if you tried to reinstall that. Follow the directions posted by sephtin about importing contacts to google from the vzw website, and then all of your contacts should appear in your contacts section once synced with google.

Directions he's referring to:
Migrating contacts from "Phone" (BackUp Assistant), to Google Contacts

oh yeah good call :)
Wow thanks for the speedy response. Did not think it would even be days before I got anything back. I'll do the google thing and hour it works. I love the rubix its uber fast. Can't beat it.
Thanks for the zip Sephtin. Also thanks for the quick responses.

Thanks so much! Recently got Focused 2.0.1 and was looking for a way to get all my contacts back. Worked perfectly!