Been reading to much. Need some help.


Nov 27, 2010
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First of all this is a great site. I have taken the advise given to so many before me about doing my research and read read read. It has helped me understand alot. But I have been doing alot of reading and searching and have seem to confuse myself with some things. My intentions to begin with were to root my DX and put on wireless tether. But, after seeing all the custom screen shots made me dig a little deeper. Right now my phone is stock but rooted with wireless tether. Here are a few questions. If I want to stay with the stock OS what options do I have as far as themes go? Are all themes listed in the "theme section" for custom roms? Ill add some more questions as we go. Thanks for the replies.
Look at 2:02 to 2:12. I have never seen the icons scroll left to right like that and the pop up menu. How can I get this on my phone? Is it a theme or a rom. This is what I dont understand. I also seen on another screen shot where someone had the icon that showed 4 icons within it. Like what is on the Iphone4. How do I find that?
I know noob questions suck but its hard to search for it if I dont know what its called.
YouTube - How to take Screenshots on your Droid! (EXCLUSIVE)
Look at 2:02 to 2:12. I have never seen the icons scroll left to right like that and the pop up menu. How can I get this on my phone? Is it a theme or a rom. This is what I dont understand. I also seen on another screen shot where someone had the icon that showed 4 icons within it. Like what is on the Iphone4. How do I find that?
I know noob questions suck but its hard to search for it if I dont know what its called.
The scrolling bar at the bottom is a launcher. It could be Launcher Pro or ADW or some other launcher. The pop-up menu you saw looks like it comes from the screen cap app the user in the video was showing off...but thats just a guess as I dont use that app for screen shots, I use Shoot Me!
Maybe i wasnt clear on the pop up. When he clicks the share icon around 2:12 a menu pops up with his options. When i said pop up it ment the menu hat popped up. Sorry about that.

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Maybe i wasnt clear on the pop up. When he clicks the share icon around 2:12 a menu pops up with his options. When i said pop up it ment the menu hat popped up. Sorry about that.

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Yes, and again I state that from watching that video, the menu that pops up is from the application he is using for taking screenshots, Screenshot It. Best thing to do is download the application he is using and see if that is in fact the menu you are asking about..

Also, it looks as though the video author is running a theme at the least, and quite possibly a different ROM, but there is no way to know for sure without contacting him through YouTube..
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