Better alarm clock?


Oct 16, 2010
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Since I've had a cell phone I've used it as my alarm... well the S3 sucks at that. The alarm is unreliable at best, and it only has these weird nature sounds. How am I supposed to wake up to gentle wave sounds? Anyone have a good app recommendation? I'm trying out AlarmDroid now and it's better than the standard alarm.. but not by much. I'd also like an app that provided its own sounds so I could get a standard "ring" type alarm like I've had for 8 years or so. Or anyone know how to make the stock alarm....better? More reliable and intuitive? I came from an HTC which was easy when you just clicked on the clock BTW.
I've been using Gentle Alarm for a couple years now and it's nice and reliable. Very customisable too.
Here's an alarm clock I was impressed with. It's Alarm Clock Xtreme. The thing that sets it apart is there are literally hundreds of features to customize it to how you need to wake up. You can have it make you solve math problems to snooze or disable it (or the simple button if math gives you a headache when you're not half asleep:D), and you can set it to override your sound settings just in case you left it on vibrate only. Then there's a volume increase setting to incrementally get louder over a timeframe of your choosing. I think you can even set it so that the alarm will only turn off when you leave home using GPS. Basically it will fil your basic needs, but it has so much customization that it can literally fit any type of alarm you can think of.

Here's the link to the Pay Store for the app:

And here's the paid version for no ads (the free version is full featured so you won't miss anything with the free version):

Hope this helps!
Go to Zedge and download some alarm tones. Having been in the Army, I prefer to wake up to Reveille.
Been using Alarm Klock for almost 3 years now. Pretty good interface, but mainly I refuse to change because it has not ONCE let me down. I tried 3 or 4 before that and they all made me late.
Alarm Droid FTW. I've had mixed success with Gentle Alarm and the developer wasn't much help (been trying to use it since my OG Droid). But even with the stock alarm, you can select a music file. Mine's currently REM's "End of the World As We Know It." :biggrin:
I've been using alarm clock extreme for over a year now I'm real happy with it.
Alarm Clock Plus. I've linked the free version, paid version removes ads only. Free version is fully functional.
I've been using it since 09 and it has been bug free the entire time on all my devices and firmware upgrades. My favorite feature is making a playlist for my alarm. There's a ton of features I didn't list beyond the basic alarm clock like changing fonts and colors of the desktop, user settable apps embedded in the desktop, etc

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