Better app than Qik for instant video to net?


New Member
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
I'd like to have my EVO videos instantly be sent to net for storage, as Qik does (or is supposed to).

Was going to download QIK, went to Android Market.

Every review was strongly negative = Didn't work; No support; Worst of all - cannot be removed from phone once installed.
I went to their Forum, read someone ask 6 months ago how to remove from EVO, no response from Qik.

Can someone recommend an app which will do the same thing?

My concern is recording something as evidence or video record - e.g., police brutality - and then having my EVO taken from me and video deleted.

Want an app that will upload it directly to Net, as Qik is supposed to do.
Did you find one?

I just tried Qik on mine and it worked fine.

Unless there's some unusual reason to have it removed, then not being able to have it removed is a problem. Although I can't think of why (maybe a better app).

I don't know of another app. Would be nice if there was one for options and choices alone if no other reason.