Blockbuster Application


New Member
Aug 1, 2010
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Hi Everyone, I'm new to Android and I just got the Droid X. I updated it with the OTA update that was pushed out last month. Also, I have not rooted my phone. I was wondering if anyone is have the same issue regarding the Blockbuster Application as I am. For some reason, every time I click on the app, it never seems to load up, but rather, I'm just staring at the black screen with "Blockbuster" in the status bar. Does anyone know what is causing the app not to load anything else and how to fix it? Any help would be much appreciated!
Blockbuster app

I had the same issue and found that you need to be on a wifi network for it to load, i initially waited a couple of minutes using the 3G and finally tried it on my wifi network and it came up after about 30 seconds. if you try to use it without being on wifi it tells you that you are offline and you can continue offline and watch programs that are already downloaded to your phone.:blackdroid:
Thank you! I was just about to try the app over a WiFi connection :)
I hate it, I wish they had included the Netflix app instead! I have a Netflix account, by the way the banner ad at the top of my page is a Netflix one! hahaha. Anyway Blockbuster charges you to download the movie on top of the monthly subscription rate. Charging us twice to watch a single movie. The methods for using this app is not discussed anywhere that I could find. I had to piece it together from forums, and Blockbuster, and try the app.
I never got to view a movie on the phone yet because by the time I figured out how to do this, I needed to pay a downloaded fee.

They give a 5 dollar credit to download a movie, yet it was not applicable to the new release I wanted to view, the Matt Damon Green something movie.

If they handled it the same way as Netflix, and stream the movie at no extra cost I would have cancelled my Netflix on the spot.

You get 24 hours to watch the move from the moment you start it, so don't start it and have to stop it and get caught up in something else and loose it.

For me Rent 'em Rip 'em, Watch 'em and them erase them.

Good luck. :icon_ devil:
I hate it, I wish they had included the Netflix app instead!

It's in development.....

Bad@ss, I cannot wait. That will be my #1 app!

Thanks for the info!:icon_ banana:dancedroid

Coming from a Crippled can't do squat :blackberry:8330 I am so stocked to have a phone that can do most anything this will be awesome. We just need a couple more things fixed and iPhone will be pushing daisies!!:blackdroid: