Bluetooth On and Off


New Member
Sep 27, 2012
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In addition to the WiFi resource hog, the bluetooth setting is also a big battery eater. I know there is an app out there that will shut the bluetooth setting off, on the phone, once the device is turned off, but I cannot find one out there, that will do the opposite.

What I mean is, one that will see the device come on, and auto activate the bluetooth setting on the phone, then turn it off again when the device is turned off.

Automatic Bluetooth Pro will turn the phone setting off and on when you receive or place a call, but by the time it connects, the call is already in progress, which is useless.


Thanks in advance,
Not that this helps you but the newest bluetooth standard is supposedly going to send a ping to devices letting them know to turn on when it is needed, forget where I read it though, maybe Wired magazine.
On my GS3 I have not found BT to use much power.
Same, another thing I tested. Marginal difference. The only reason this, or wifi, would be a "major" battery drain is that you have it on auto-detect at all times, so it is constantly looking for a signal, which will drain the battery in hours. Otherwise processing technology has come far enough to determine when and where to use something, the trick is just making sure it's set up right...
I say just leave it on. I leave bluetooth on 24/7 so I assume it is always searching for bluetooth devices. The only time it connects is when I am in the car. I am a light user and need to only recharge every few days so I assume bluetooth is not taking up much battery. I also have never seen bluetooth show up under Battery usage.
I found a couple great apps that manage Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, screen brightness etc. Quick Profiles and Timeffific let's u manage those and u can set to run the settings off/on at a specific time