Boot animations do not work?


Jun 30, 2010
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My boot animations are broken i cant get any to work. I went into settings and enabled them and then choose one from the settings. It just shows an M until i get a lockscreen. I then tried moving one of my boot animations to /system/media and got the same thing what do i do?
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My boot animations are broken i cant get any to work. I went into settings and enabled them and then choose one from the settings. It just shows an M until i get a lockscreen. I then tried moving one of my boot animations to /system/media and got the same thing what do i do?

try enabling them and redownloading it.
That didn't work I know the boot animation is in the right place and works but the phone just stays at M until i get a lockscreen. On a side note my power button just sunk into the phone :icon_eek:
That didn't work I know the boot animation is in the right place and works but the phone just stays at M until i get a lockscreen. On a side note my power button just sunk into the phone :icon_eek:

hmmm, could be hardware issue.. but doubt it. can try in ud menu disabling boot, reboot, then enabling and reboot again.
Ive tried quite a few combinations I don't think I will be able to get it to work without reflashing but that wont matter since it looks like i need a new phone.
Ive tried quite a few combinations I don't think I will be able to get it to work without reflashing but that wont matter since it looks like i need a new phone.

alright, sucks. cant pop the button back out?
No it fell in while i was pressing it, I cant get it to pop back out. It still works but i fear it may fall in more so I am going to ask verizon for a third refurbished phone.
I am having the same issue, i have tried to enable them 3-4 times now and nothing... any ideas??
i would try reinstalling the rom, possibly redownloading it then reinstalling. may just be a corrupt download. no need to wipe data, just install over.

if that doesnt fix it......

but if you want to 100% you can do a wipe of data and a clean install with a new downloaded copy to be 100% sure.
ill give that a try, it worked on the first boot after install but when i tried to change the animation in the settings all it would do is show the "m" from there on out
i tried that and it worked, it now shows the stock animation and i am too scared to try to change it now since its working, since thats what broke it last time. Thanks
Mine boot animations are working fine.
I flashed 1.0.0 over UD8.0 without wiping..
i just went to the UD menu and changed my boot animation the the nexus animation(the usual one i use) and it is working for me

try doing that