Can I reverse the automatic upgrade 4.0 -->4.1?

Edited until some things are figured out.
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I am about to activate my wife's Droid RAZR MAXX HD that currently has v4.0. I plan to install PDANet and FoxFi on it.

My goals are to both prevent upgrades to Jelly Bean (v4.1), and to be able to research any maintenance updates within 4.0 before accepting them. I want to control updating on my own time. So I have the following questions.

Q1 - Can I expect to always be asked for approval before updates are installed?

Q2 - If I reject an update, will it continue to nag me? Is there a setting that influences this?

Q3 - If I reject an update, will I be able to change my mind later? Is there a setting that influences this?

I want to avoid inadvertent acceptance of an update like when I accepted v4.1 on my own phone foolishly. It is easy for me to get caught off guard when thinking about other matters.
If you root the phone you can disable the upgrade notifications. Also if you have a HD/Maxx HD you can revert it to 4.0 if you wish.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
If you root the phone you can disable the upgrade notifications. Also if you have a HD/Maxx HD you can revert it to 4.0 if you wish.

I have the tether working under v4.0 on my wife's phone now.

For the little bit that I plan to use tethering at this point, I think I will stick with her v4.0 rather than risk screwing up the backing out of my phone 4.1 --->4.0. (I just don't trust myself that well.)

The only thing I worry about is that she will be rushing someday and forget to reject the upgrade -- like I did mine. Is there a rooting procedure for v4.0 that is very simple? And reversible?

Other than that, does anyone know how often the nag window will appear? Hour? Day? Week? Month?
Root is simple on 4.0, but be aware once you root, even if you unroot, they will be able to tell you were once rooted. If that was your concern.

Your best bet is to just download Matt's 1.10 utility. It has restore 4.0.4 and root all in one place.
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Root is simple on 4.0, but be aware once you root, even if you unroot, they will be able to tell you were once rooted. If that was your concern.

Your best bet is to just download Matt's 1.10 utility. It has restore 4.0.4 and root all in one place.

[TOOL] Easy Root Komplete

My wife's Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX HD currently runs ICS v4.0.4, system 0.7.2.XT926 and has PdaNet/FoxFi working. The only problem left is that the nag screen to upgrade to JB comes up every 12 hours. I think that is too often to prevent an accidental upgrade to 4.1.

So my goal at this point is to prevent the nag screen from running. Since that requires rooting, I think it would be better for security if I unroot after making that change. If my approach seems reasonable, I have these Questions:

Q1 - For such a simple goal, should I use the shorter method to root/unroot here?

Q2 - If I root the phone, what should I change to silence the nag screen.

Q3 - Is this all reversible at a later time, like if PdaNet overcomes the WiFi or USB or Bluetooth restriction with JB. Or if Verizon comes up with a free plan for users of 5 or less hours/month of tether. etc.
If I'm not mistaken, the only reason to worry about FoxFi is if you are on the unlimited data plan wherein you are supposed to pay for the ability to use tethering. If you are already on a tiered data plan then tethering is free/included on JB. The only issue is that it will go against the amount of data you're paying for.
If I'm not mistaken, the only reason to worry about FoxFi is if you are on the unlimited data plan wherein you are supposed to pay for the ability to use tethering. If you are already on a tiered data plan then tethering is free/included on JB. The only issue is that it will go against the amount of data you're paying for.
I checked with Verizon and learned that even with JB I can get a free hotspot if I switch our two phones from "unlimited data" to a "share everything" plan.

With "unlimited data" plan I can buy a hotspot for $1/day in whole-day increments -- switching the service on and off by calling Verizon. That is doable for my occasional usage (2 to 5 days per month) as long as I remember to turn it off when I finish. I am trying it out today and tomorrow.
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