Can't Seem to Get the Most out of Battery


New Member
Dec 7, 2013
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Gaithersburg, MD
Hello, I've had a Droid Razr MAXX HD for 9 months now, and I've never gotten more than 8 hours off of one charge, and that's even with minimal usage. I know this phone is supposed to get like 32 hours of charge, what am I doing wrong? I have set everything up the way other posters have mentioned, I have a task killer app installed, and I get terrible battery life.

For example, I had my phone sitting on a table last night without touching it for two hours while I watched a movie, and when I looked at it the battery had gone down 20%!!

I also have Gsam installed, but it doesn't show any particularly draining app.

Any help or suggestions is appreciated, I want to use my phone all day without worrying about this.
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This may sound counter intuitive but your task killer could be a part of the problem. I would start with uninstalling it. Then double check what is syncing, mail, weather, Google and the frequency of the syncing. Something you are installing after the reset is eating battery for lunch.
I agree - get rid of the task killer first. and then tell us what your cell signal strength is. My phone normally is down to 75% at the end of a 10hr work day. But if I go to my parents house it will be down to 5% in 6 hrs. cell and 4g signal are there but just barely and after a short while it is hot and you can almost see the battery going down.
Welcome to the forum

This may sound counter intuitive but your task killer could be a part of the problem. I would start with uninstalling it. Then double check what is syncing, mail, weather, Google and the frequency of the syncing. Something you are installing after the reset is eating battery for lunch.

I am syncing two email accounts, one corporate and one personal. Not sure now to check on weather, etc. Here are some screenshots:

View attachment 68445View attachment 68446

Also, when I sleep at night the battery drains minumum 10% every night, and I have the Smart Action on for sleeping. My mom has a Droid M and seems to get longer battery than me! Thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.
the 4G signal in both my apartment and my parents' house is pretty terrible, so that could account for some of it. But it does drain quickly at work as well where I have full bars
the 4G signal in both my apartment and my parents' house is pretty terrible, so that could account for some of it. But it does drain quickly at work as well where I have full bars

Try the app LTE on/off. I switch my RAZR HD maxx all time when 4G is bad. Is your phone rooted?
the 4G signal in both my apartment and my parents' house is pretty terrible, so that could account for some of it. But it does drain quickly at work as well where I have full bars

Also have you performed Fox Kat's battery training process?
the 4G signal in both my apartment and my parents' house is pretty terrible, so that could account for some of it. But it does drain quickly at work as well where I have full bars

That's virtually ALL of it! A weak signal on data and or voice will kill a battery in short order. At my house I have a good strong signal on both sides, data/voice, and can squeeze out over 48 hours of battery life. I'm a fairly light user, mostly internet forums.

Something else could be going on though to drain it so quickly with full bars at work.

But, when I visit the family farm I have only 1 bar (sometimes less) for voice and very little to any data signal at all, and I'm lucky to get 8 hours out of a charge.
All the members above have given you great advice and I concur with all of it. I also sent you a rather lengthy PM (LOL, more like 3 lengthy ones), detailing many potential causes and methods of troubleshooting. I will say this...

I've had the Galaxy S4 and it's been such a poor performer with the battery that I was lucky to get through just the business hours of the day with it. I now have the Motorola Droid MAXX (the new MAXX, not the Razr MAXX or any others prior), and it's getting me through more than a day and with HEAVY use. That Razr MAXX HD should be doing this for you too.

Stick with us and we'll get you back on track!