Changing the Samsung Fascinate Calendar


New Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Hi folks!

I bought my wife the Samsung Fascinate to replace her ancient crackberry Pearl. She likes the phone well enough, but she would really like the calendar to display the week view like my Motorola Droid 1 does, particularly with the week view displaying the event name. I've looked in the market and can't find anything that does what she wants it to do.

Is there a way to change the Fascinate's calendar to use the same calendar app as I have on my Droid? Is it possible to copy the calendar app on the Droid to the SD card and somehow install it on the Fascinate?

I'd rather not have to go through the trouble of rooting her phone, but I will if I have to. (My motto is happy wife = happy life.)

I appreciate any help you can offer.
I had the same problem and I wanted my Gmail to sync with my calendar as well so I found an app called smooth calendar that works for me. I believe it will do what your wife wants it to do, and I to know that when the wife's happy the house is happy.

Good Luck
Forestbuddy calendar app out there. It will do exactly what she wants and a bunch more. It's free so there's no risk.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. She tried them both out. She thinks that they each have some great features, she is really in love with the way my Droid displays the week. There are 7 columns (one for each day), and events are shown in each column as colored blocks with the name of the event in them. (Oddly enough, I liked how Jorte can integrate Google Tasks with the calendar and am seriously considering switching to that.)

Any other suggestions?
Jorte rocks

After reading the suggestions here, I tried Jorte, and it totally rocks. All problems solved. The only hitch is that you have to click "show details" in order to access important features like reminders. But Jorte even lets you set multiple reminders for an event. Totally cool.