Common Where is the Dynolicious for Droid


Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
This should have been the one of the first apps they should have made for the Droid. When I saw it on the Iphone I almost bought the I phone just for that app. Well not just for it but deflty was a huge part in buying the Iphone and when I herd about the Droid I was instanty hooked. But They need to my this app ASAP. If anyone know anything about this app when or if its in beta stages please let me know.
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This should have been the one of the first apps they should made for Droid. When I saw it on the Iphone I almost bought the I phone just for that app. Well not just for it but deflty was a huge part in buying the Iphone and when I herd about the Droid I was instanty hooked. But They need to my this app ASAP. If anyone know anything about this app when or if its in beta stages please let me know.

personally i am getting a bit tired of people talking about how great things were on the iphone. if you want to see an app like one on the iphone for your droid (and to put all your little heads at ease, there is no way to "port" an iphone app to the droid unless a dev were to completely rewrite the app in a different environment, droid uses java) so please be quiet and go back to your iphone and Gay-t&t or just wait and see. android is a waiting game but it always delivers. patience is a virtue and i find checking these forums half the fun.
This should have been the one of the first apps they should made for Droid. When I saw it on the Iphone I almost bought the I phone just for that app. Well not just for it but deflty was a huge part in buying the Iphone and when I herd about the Droid I was instanty hooked. But They need to my this app ASAP. If anyone know anything about this app when or if its in beta stages please let me know.

personally i am getting a bit tired of people talking about how great things were on the iphone. if you want to see an app like one on the iphone for your droid (and to put all your little heads at ease, there is no way to "port" an iphone app to the droid unless a dev were to completely rewrite the app in a different environment, droid uses java) so please be quiet and go back to your iphone and Gay-t&t or just wait and see. android is a waiting game but it always delivers. patience is a virtue and i find checking these forums half the fun.

Dude chill the **** out. First I said Iam dying to my Droid. Second I said that this would be an app that would be puttnig the best use to the accelelaromator for the 6 Billion Racing and gear head like my self. And third I never said that the Iphone was great I said the app was amazing big difference.
There are at least 2 Dynomometer apps for the Droid. "DinoDyno", and aDyno. They are both ion the Market, and both are free...
This should have been the one of the first apps they should made for Droid.
Why haven't you contacted Dynolicious then? Don't assume that they read this forum and don't assume that they're psychic. Everyone has an app that they think "should have been one of the first apps they should made for the Droid". Obviously not all of them can be first. The apps will come as the platform gains popularity and people push developers to create Droid apps.