Data roaming option turning off automatically - any fix ?


New Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I have a Droid Pro, Android 2.3.3, build 4.5.1-110-VNS-11, sim unlocked, using it in Europe.

I've recently changed my provider, and the new one needs to use the data roaming option all the time. Problem is, I turn it on, but as soon as you loose signal, the option turns itself off and you have to manually turn it on. Doing this many times a day becomes a BIG pita ...

After some research it seems to be a known Moto software issue, but haven't identified a fix for the Droid Pro. But I realized I don't have the latest system update, I should probably upgrade to the latest and see if it still happens.

I found a zip for the Official Update 4.6.8, can I install this over 4.5.1 or there are some other intermediate updates that I should install first ? Or is there something newer than 4.6.8 ? I'm looking for the answer myself, but I'm a bit confused by the many updates, custom roms, sbf, etc...

Anyway, does anyone know if the latest version would fix this data roaming issue ? Or I still need some app or custom rom whatever ?

Thanks for any pointer in the right direction ...
Follow up: tried installing the official of version 4.6.8 - didn't work ... some Error ...

file_getprop ... ... 4.5.1-110-VNS-22/110817 ... error in /tmp/sideload/ ... status 7 ... install aborted ...

Doctor, what's the problem ? Is my current version too old ? Should I install some other intermediary update ?
Continuing to digg for a solution ...


I found the following in a metadata file

and this in updater-script, both part of the update package:

assert(file_getprop("/system/build.prop", "") == "verizon/venus2_vzw/cdma_venus2/venus2:2.2.1/3.4.2_80_V2_87/8:user/release-keys" ||
file_getprop("/system/build.prop", "") == "verizon/venus2_vzw/cdma_venus2:2.3.3/4.5.1-110-VNS-22/110817:user/release-keys");

It looks like there's no way to update the 4.5.1...VNS-11, as it's looking for a pre-update 3.4.2_80_V2_87 version ...

Seems silly to me, I have to downgrade to 3.4.2 in order to update to 4.6.8 ?!

At the time I've installed the update, I thought it was an official version ... I guess it was probably only an official-leak and the VNS-22 is the really-official one ...

OK, guess I'll start searching for the 3.4.2 now ...
Just found in another thread a link to a SBF 3.8.7, is this the same as the 2.2.1/3.4.2_80_V2_87 ?!

... deeply confused ... would appreciate any help, insult, whatever :)