Disappearing downloads


Active Member
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
I've been downloading files to my gn and they seem to disappear after a while. I will check them in the dl folder w root explorer and they will be fine and then when I go to find them later with root exp or in recovery they have vanished. Any ideas?


sent from my rooted nexus
So here's an update. While I can't find a solution to the disappearing downloads a workaround is to copy or move the files out of the download folder. I wonder why those files are disappearing. It could be the codename Droid rom but I posted over there and got no response.

sent from my rooted nexus
So here's an update. While I can't find a solution to the disappearing downloads a workaround is to copy or move the files out of the download folder. I wonder why those files are disappearing. It could be the codename Droid rom but I posted over there and got no response.

sent from my rooted nexus

I don't know what causes that but I've seen something like it before. I was working on a friend's Charge and had downloaded a kernel and a couple other mods. Went to flash them, and after viewing them once everything else vanished. Have no idea what caused it, I got around it by downloading a file, then booting straight into recovery to flash it. Then download another and flash it, then another etc.
Another thing that's strange is that if I look at my battery consumption it seems that "Media" is taking up a lot of battery. I don't know if it's a problem with my downloads app or what. I'm going to reflash gapps and see if that helps.
I've been downloading files to my gn and they seem to disappear after a while. I will check them in the dl folder w root explorer and they will be fine and then when I go to find them later with root exp or in recovery they have vanished. Any ideas?


sent from my rooted nexus

What browser are you using? What types of files? Could this be DRM Protected kicking in some how? Could the browser be actually caching the files and then the cache gets wiped?
I'm using the stock browser on Codenamedroid 1.1.0 (4.0.3). The files I'm downloading are things like rom updates, mods, etc. from Multiupload sites. Maybe I should try another browser and see if the same thing happens.