Does Droid X have the same call quality problems as the original droid?


New Member
Nov 13, 2009
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As many of you know the original droid suffered from call quality problems relating to how the noise canceling mic would drop part of your voice from calls. People went so far as to open up the phone and insert thin sheets of paper to try and resolve this.

Anyone having similar problems with the Droid X? I am interested in swapping out as I'm tired of people complaining about not hearing me. This is not something that can be fixed with a replacement original droid. All original droids that I have tried have this problem.

So anyone experiencing this on the droid x ? Especially people with deeper voices?

The original droid has a noise canceling mic on it? I never knew this and I've had it since november...

And I've always had really good call quality, its 100x better than my landline. No dropped calls, no static, and people hear me perfectly fine even at a lone tone of voice.
I have a pretty deep voice and every one says the call quality is awesome, seems alot clearer on my end as well from my D1.
Yup on the upper back on the seam between the top backplate and the sidewall. Just left of center. Most of the better cases have a hole for it. People can actually hear me better if I put my finger over the hole so it stops cancelling out portions of my voice.
LMAO Im sittin here lookin for it, can't seem to find it but even motos site says it has noise reduction but not a mic lol