Does your pocket answer and dial?


New Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Recently got the Droid Eris and had big time issues with my phone dialing from my pocket a lot. I fixed this issue by adding a custom screen lock swipe (which is annoying), but it seems to have got the job done. I do occasionally take the phone out and see that the Emergency Call screen is up and waiting for my a** to dial 911. Can't wait till that happens.

Also, my phone has been answering in the pocket a lot. I alway make sure I hit end and lock the phone before putting it into my pocket. Still it likes to answer a few calls here and there. I switched to my front pocket to see is my a** just had a knack for answering, but found out today that my phone has answered twice in my front pocket. Luckily they were friends calling and got to hear about my late night drinking on Friday. I can't recreate the issue either.

I have an iPod touch that has never been unlocked/swiped/activated in any way in any pocket ever. What gives?
Have not had this problem, Got my Droid 11/11.
I do carry it naked in my pocket also.
Dang. It is driving me nucking futs.
I solved the problem for me by making sure I closed the phone app before I put the phone back in my pocket. Even asleep it would sometimes dial if I left the app open.
I tend to go back to my "home" screen every time before locking the phone and putting in my pocket for that very reason, mhotovec. I appreciate the comment. I have pretty much eliminated to dialing part, it is the ANSWERING part that really makes me mad.
pocket answering incoming calls

I am having the same problem, at least once a day. I set me screen to timeout at 30 seconds, and have the security pattern on and this still did not help. I always timeout my screen before i put it in my pocket. This is not cool! Does anyone have any suggestions?
Fargo, TY for addressing this problem,

I have the same problem. PHONE CONSTANTLY CALLS MY SPEED DIAL CONTACTS IN POCKET. Using the security pattern is not an option I like. I tried this and my wife couldn't answer my phone or could get used to it (We share). Having to CLOSE apps or place the phone in the pocked in a special orientation makes no sense since there are other phones without this annoying problem. Please, if you have a different solution please post it.

TY, Joegeek
I know I was having this problem. I found that with the whole "slide down to answer" was the cause. As I had my phone in my pocket, I would slide my phone up and out of my pocket and sometimes, it would slide down and answer the call. (put froyo on and it slides to the side now).

I do believe this was also causing my phone to "unlock" as well and to call a contact.

Haven't had this problem since i put froyo on and I believe it is just because of the sliding down to unlock.