Double tones?


Jan 3, 2011
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Has anyone had a issue with double tones? What happens when attempting to use the tone function on my phone for any tone responses I hear a dual tone and more time than not the computer I'm responding to gives me an error. Fortunately my vm doesn't have this problem. It was quite frustrating trying to activate my CC and check on my tax return.

I'm using cm 6 with dialer one. I tried using the resident dialer and had the same issue. I don't know if this is a cm issue or a "feature" of the Droid.

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Thanks for all the responses! I didn't realize I was the only person with this issue.

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You're never guaranteed a response on any forum site. If you suspect CM or Dialer One then have you posted in appropriate subforums? General Discussion gets a lot of traffic and it's easy for threads to get buried.