"Droid" Branding on the Incredible


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Does anyone else think that this seemingly somewhat late branding of the HTC Incredible as a member of the "Droid" family is somewhat hurting HTC as far as being known for making the device?

As far as I knew before the release, I wasn't aware that this was going to be called a "Droid" device, as opposed to calling it an HTC Android device.

I've just come to notice a lot of the general public (probably mostly people who wouldn't take part in forums about Android) referring to the phone simply as "Droid Incredible". This seems like an odd choice, since that name doesn't mention anything about HTC, the manufacturer of the phone. I'm curious if anyone has any incite into how Verizon decides what phones get put into the "Droid" category. I feel like HTC is probably happy that they got put into the category for the reason that it automatically gives the phone some credibility by putting it in with the Moto Droid; an extremely popular and successful phone. However, on the other side of things, I'd think that I would want my manufacturer name to be remembered.

I know that HTC has a lot of other issues to deal with about the Incredible (obviously LED screen issues with Samsung, really long back-orders and Verizon making claims that they could have sold twice as many devices if they had been available), but I just read an entire Craigslist For Sale ad for the phone where the term "HTC" wasn't written anywhere in the entire listing - and I feel like that is some more bad news.

I like the phone a lot - and I know that I'm fairly late in the game to start talking about it now - but it's just something that I noticed and I was curious if anyone else had anything to say about this.

PS Any other information / discussion about the "Droid" branding, beyond that related to the Incredible, is welcomed.
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a phone by any other name just isn't the same.

its all marketing imo.

does htc really care that people remember their name or actually buy their phone?
the mass public has a horrible memory and even less attention so marketing wizards need to help us associate brands easily and make a lot of purchases.

It's all about what's gonna make joe-public take out his shillings and put them on the counter,

so it appears that the marketing wizards at vzw have decided that a 'droid phone' is:
an android based smarphone on verizon.

For us nerds it appears that they've allowed motorola and htc to live in this group of high end smarphones because the "el cheapo" LG ALLY is not a droid
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Droid marketing in action

[video=youtube;S-Gesai5WlE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-Gesai5WlE"]YouTube - Verizon DROID INCREDIBLE by HTC CODE[/video]

[video=youtube;gwzKFDkb0MI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwzKFDkb0MI&NR=1"]YouTube - Verizon DROID INCREDIBLE by HTC - Fast[/video]

[video=youtube;gZl5aDtXzGc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZl5aDtXzGc&NR=1"]YouTube - Verizon DROID INCREDIBLE by HTC - Camera[/video]

MTV dance commercial

[video=youtube;N8G1qGj6_Kg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8G1qGj6_Kg"]YouTube - Incredible Sizzle! Verizon's commercial on HTC's Droid techn[/video]