Droid Display > Incredible Display

I got pretty deep in the plasma/lcd wars when I bought both of my large screen LCD's.

I personally prefer LCD for very large screens as the detail indeed interprets into crispness and the technology has just gotten so good they look better under most lighting conditions.

HOWEVER, with the much smaller screen the rules would seem to indicate the LCD would be even better for viewing... however, the gallery just plain sucks now on the droid and you cannot assess quality pictures with that crappy software.

Sometimes you have to forget all the technical "proof" the engineers present and simply see which one "looks" the best to your eyes.

The brain plays by different rules of logic and good sense.

The brain has amazing interpretive skills and likes what it sees the most "real life".

Bold color saturation and clean contrast is sometimes more important than detail.

When we look at the world through our eyes, we dont' have a milk screen over our eyes and the natural eyes have amazing abilities to see diversities of contrast that until of late cameras cannot touch.

The bottom line..... reality is often the sum of more than we understand..... what "looks" best to our eyes is what really matters, regardless of the science behind either camp.

Its kinda like taking an engineer with his graph who explains while you can't climb a mountain.. and the person that doesn't know any better does it anyway.

We can argue someones belief all day and we can argue someones knowledge, but whether discussing religion or life... we cannot argue someones experience of what they know.

Just compare the two and see what you like... color blind charts alone prove we don't all see the same.
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Why is everyone comparing these phones trying to defend their Moto Droid. I have owned both. I personally like the Incredible better than the Droid. If you disagree then keep your Droid. No point in arguing miniscule details to furthur justify to yourself why you kept your droid.
After a few days of comparing the droid and the inc screens (yes I have both) I like the Inc. screen better.

The text is sharper on the droid when viewing webpages and emails, but the colors in the photos, videos, ext are better on the Inc. However the text is still great on the Inc, really you only notice it being worse then the droid if you put them next to each other.
like a lot of the people that are on this thread, i have or had a moto droid. My big complaint with the motodroid was the weight and un-pocketness of the dang thing. It was just too much to carry around in my pocket. I am not sure about the rest of you, but i need a phone first, and an entertainment device second. I also found that as much as I wanted a keyboard...i never used the droids. Lets face it...it is a terrible keyboard. You can tell yourself otherwise, but everyone that has a droid knows the limitations of the keyboard. I also have Raging thunder 2, and Homerun Battle, and i play games on snesoid. I have not seen a slowdown as someone else had mentioned in another thread, and it was not like a "sideshow" compared to the droid. I can not tell a difference. Call quality and clarity has been the same as the droid if not better. With the incredible i do not have to hold the mic right on my face like i did with the droid. Screen to me is the same...meaning it is not so different that i have a comment one way or another.

The negatives: battery life is not as good as my motodroid, and I can not run .wmv files on my Incredible, as i could with the droid.

however, i love the fact that it is lighter, more pocketable. For me that makes all the difference. my two cents, to be mixed with the other 98 cents here. :)
After a few days of comparing the droid and the inc screens (yes I have both) I like the Inc. screen better.

The text is sharper on the droid when viewing webpages and emails, but the colors in the photos, videos, ext are better on the Inc. However the text is still great on the Inc, really you only notice it being worse then the droid if you put them next to each other.

Agreed. You would not notice unless both next to each other, or used a Droid a lot, prioir to using Inc. Either display is a winner with net.