Droid Incredible 2 -- WiFi connects but NO Service?


New Member
May 17, 2012
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As my subject title indicates, I am able to access the WiFi server with my DI2, but I cannot get any service. This has been happening for several weeks. My wife has the same issue with her iPhone.

For example, on my Facebook App, when I try to load the app, I get an error that says Connection Lost. When I go to Play Store to download apps, it tells me there is no connection. You get the point.

Note that on occasion, I am able to load the internet and get Google, but when I do a search, back to the error messages.

It also happens at home when we connect to our wireless network. Sometimes it works, but lately it's been unable to load.

I am getting pissed off and need to figure this out.

Does anybody have a solution?

Nobody has a clue?

Let's leave aside for the moment the WiFi issue---the fact of the matter is whether or not the WiFi works, the phone SHOULD be connecting to the Verizon network and allowing me to access the internet, and it's not.

So, the real question is this: the phone will not connect to the internet, period. WTF is up with that?
My refurbished DX is like that. Doesn't read the SD card either. Sucks man. Not a clue.
I have the answer and I'm posting it here in case somebody else has the same problem. When you hear the solution, you'll be as miffed as I was, but I'm happy to have it solved.

The STUPID "mobile networking" box had somehow gotten unchecked under "settings" and "wireless" so the phone would not connect to the Verizon network, but would only work when connected to my home wireless network. Makes sense, right? Well, not if you don't know what to look for it doesn't.

I waited in line at the Verizon store for 45 minutes to talk to a "person" and he quickly had the answer. Says it happens all the time. It seems that there may be some app that when it's closed, for some reason it also unchecks this box.

So, if you are having this problem, check that your mobile networking box has an "x" in it. That may be your solution.

:icon_ banana: