Droid on UD8 running sluggish.


Dec 13, 2009
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Hey all, been running UD 8 on the droid for about 3 weeks. I also have installed ChevyNo1 1.1 ghz LV kernel. I just been noticing some slow downs recently between turning the screen on, as well as exiting apps.

Ex. Go to lets say a game, play it for 5 mins, exit and the screen is blank and takes a couple seconds to refresh all the apps and widgets.

Ex2. Press lock screen button to turn the screen on, its about a 1-1.5 second delay. between that and turning on.

Just overall it seems a little slow set cpu is at 900mhz max, 400 min. Its on demand.

Any suggestions, or should i just wait till UD 9 to change stuff?
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If you Delete all the files under /cache/dalvik cache/ and reboot it should help. It will take a longgg time to reboot just let it do its thing.
Thanks, so i just plug it in to my laptop and go into the UD8 file and look for the stuff you said?
you can use titanium backup to clear the dalvik cache.
If you're using Sprecovery not CW:

[FONT=&quot]In sprecovery make a backup of DATA only. Back out to the main menu. Wipe data and clear cache at least 3 times (yes I know some don't think this is needed but I beg to differ). Restore your newly created DATA only backup. My redraws stopped. Something must be building up in the cache that slows the whole system. Worth a shot.....[/FONT]
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corinacakes, what do you supposed the difference between that and just wiping the cache - which you can also do in sprecovery? Not questioning you, just curious. I did the local.prop suggested in the other post and it seems to be a lot better. Usually when I pull it from the media dock it takes a while to redraw. It is not immediate now, but it is significanlty faster.
You are not clearing dalvik device, you are deleting the entire dalvik-cache folder which is within root explorer in the data folder...and then rebooting your phone, it will take a few minutes to rewrite the necessary cache files upon reboot but you should see an improvement
You are not clearing dalvik device, you are deleting the entire dalvik-cache folder which is within root explorer in the data folder...and then rebooting your phone, it will take a few minutes to rewrite the necessary cache files upon reboot but you should see an improvement

Ahh, thank you, finally a good straight answer. This is achieved by connecting it to my computer right? and i go to Data->root explorer->(Deleteing entire folder of "Dalvik -cache")?