Droid Razr for my wife?


Oct 5, 2010
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Silicon Valley
The title sort of says it. My wife has a flip open "dumb" phone and when her time runs so that she can get a new phone with a discount she is sort of asking for a Razr. The only problem I would have with getting one for here is that she is technically challenged and has problems with the cell phone she has now. Is it that hard to learn for someone who has a limited knowledge or will it be ok? As a FYI I right now have a DroidX that I have rooted and don't have problems using so I could probably help her as I will more than likely be getting a Razr for myself about the same time. Thanks for any help.
Definitely get it. Not alot on the dev scene, but is still wouldn't trade it. I went thru the same thing w/ my wife a yr ago. She still doesn't know how to change her notification sound, but man can she work facebook! She also very efficient at angry birds

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Have you let her use your phone? The RAZR is probably as easy to use as your X. I have friends who are technically challenged who've figured out the Android.
Mrs. Trash Can has the Razr now, but I had similar concerns as you when I got her the Droid X. She's technically-challenged as well. I set it up for her, showed her the basics, and she figured out the rest of what she uses it for from there. She knows to reboot the phone if something weird is going on. If that doesn't work and I'm not around, I told her to ask my 10 year old to fix it or take it to a VZW store. Bottom line -- I wouldn't worry about her not being comfortable with it. Most likely, she'll love it.
Have you let her use your phone? The RAZR is probably as easy to use as your X. I have friends who are technically challenged who've figured out the Android.

My mother is pretty old and was pretty tech challenged especially with computers some years back so I bought her a nice computer.. Her old school kindle annoyed me got her a fire.. She's not calling much for help and support when I see her she's proud to show me stuff her fire can do... Long story short I got her a DX and she loves it.. I think your wife would love and learn to use a RAZR or any other android device just don't get her any iCrap ;)

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It shouldn't be THAT difficult to learn the basics of android. She may even like the added control you get from moving to a smart phone.

Just make sure you teach her what to do during an LTE outage.
I pick up one for my wife the same time I bought mine..I was trying to talk her into picking up the iphone 4s because of its easy usage but after she was playing with it at the store she didn't like the screen size and of course it does not run flash ..she's into international movies that she watches online so it was a must that she had the capability to watch it on the go..Whenever she needs help I could help her right away.Without saying she loves the damn thing ..she never puts it down.

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This isn't Razr specific, but my wife is not extremely tech savvy, but she is well adapt on a computer (no problem with the general every day stuff). A couple years ago I was pushing for her to get an iPhone, but she fell in love with the HTC Eris. I was a little nervous because Android had a little more going on (from a technical standpoint) than iOS, but she was fine. She has a TB now, and there are still occasional questions (primarily asking about certain apps that I have or help with small issues that typically require a restart), but mostly she is great with her Android device.

If your wife can operate a computer comfortably, then she will be fine with Android. However, my mother-in-law (less computer savvy) got the OG Droid around the same time I did and she was constantly asking me questions, going to Verizon to ask questions and for seminars, and two years later...she upgraded to the iPhone 4s. I think the best thing you can do is let your wife mess around with your phone, and spend some time at the Verizon store with other devices. This is what we did and I don't think anything but Android will ever be in our house.
The title sort of says it. My wife has a flip open "dumb" phone and when her time runs so that she can get a new phone with a discount she is sort of asking for a Razr. The only problem I would have with getting one for here is that she is technically challenged and has problems with the cell phone she has now. Is it that hard to learn for someone who has a limited knowledge or will it be ok? As a FYI I right now have a DroidX that I have rooted and don't have problems using so I could probably help her as I will more than likely be getting a Razr for myself about the same time. Thanks for any help.
Get it for her...you'll be a hero!! I know what you mean about the "better half" not being the "sharpest knief in the drawer" when it comes to tech stuff...it will be a cold kitchen if she reads this, lol. Anyway, I bought her the Incred2 when it came out and had to pry her old Envy out of her hands. She didn't speak to me for about an hour...all the time playing with the Inced2 of course. Now, she moves around that thing like a champ. It just took a little time and some help from myself and my son about the basics. Like I said...you'll be a hero.
Definitely let her give it a try, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised on how she adapts to it. You will know within the 14 days if she doesn't & if that happens, return it for something more suitable.

You could also pass down your X as a starter phone.

~it's not just a phone~
I bought the RAZR for myself on release day, and was disgusted with how Moto handles the whole fxz/sbf file thing, so I gave it to the wifey, who had a text only phone, and bought a GNex. Put the $20/300mb plan on hers, I kept unlimited from my TBolt on mine. Both are very happy.
I keep her on wifi all the time she is home, and I tought her to keep data always off unless I send her an MMS :D
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