Droid Razr HD lost bluetooth Audio stream with Ford Sync


New Member
Mar 1, 2013
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Have had this phone since christmas of this year. I thought it was great that I could pair to the SYNC feature in my 2010 Focus and play the music I had on my phone through the car audio system. Tonight for no explainable reason, it worked as I got out of my car to get food at a fast food joint. When I came back in the car songs would no longer play through the cars audio. I unpaired and repaired the system several times. The audio on phone calls will still come through the car, but I have lost audio through the car speakers when using apps like Google Play Music or Pandora. The phone says it is connected to SYNC. The car recognizes the phone is there. I go to select the phone as the audio source and the car says it is Bluetooth Audio streaming like it always does when my phones music files are playing through the car audio. The ONLY difference now is that the audio from these apps no longer plays through the car speakers. I know this stuff can be tough to get help on needing someone who knows the phone AND the car, but any help would be appreciated.
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Go to your System Settings on the phone, then select Bluetooth, then next to Sync should be a Gear. Tap the Gear. In that menu should be two boxes, one for Phone audio, and one for Media audio. Make sure both boxes are checked. If they are, un-check Media audio, then back out, go to the home screen, then reboot the phone. Once rebooted, first try the streaming again. If it's working, great.

If the box wasn't checked the first time, or you're coming off a reboot from above, go back into the menu above and check it. Then back to the home screen, back to reboot, and back to test the streaming.
No luck there unfortunately. If I go to use Pandora for example, everything from the car to the phone indicates it's working. There just isn't any sound coming out of the car, or the phone for that matter. When I try to adjust volume on the phone the slider has the Bluetooth icon next to it as in should if/when the audio is playing through the car. I'm starting to wonder if the issue is on the car side of things.
Just in case this does happen to someone else, this turned out to be a car issue. Went to some Ford forums and several users mentioned this same issue. The audio just cuts out in the car using all kinds of different phones. They suggested disconnecting the battery and reconnecting to reset things. Worked for a lot of people and worked for me as well.
Glad it's a car-side problem and that it's resolvable. Good for you (and me!) :biggrin: