Droidx bricked, help and will paypal you $$

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May 14, 2011
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Okay, putting it pretty straight foreward. im about to cry here, i have an original Droid X running the latest Gingerbread, i don't know which version, i know that i checked for updates like.. two days ago and i was good. What the hell. It has been rooted previously, using Z4Root, BUT i have flashed it before using RSD lite v4.9 and the 2.3.34 SBF. I have done this previously! I am not new to SBF'ing my phone, as i do it every 4 months damn near. I started getting laggy and just having issues, and just wanted a fresh start with my phone again! well, i did my SBF and bam, i thought it was done, and i unplugged it early. It gave me an error, so i reflashed it real quick, hoping it would help. Well, it has come down. I'm getting the bootloader screen showing an error of: "Err:A5,70,70,1F" i know this has happened to people before and i saw some fixes on it! (using the 2.2.32 SBF should fix this!) well, damn. i've been looking around google on both my mac and pc looking for this. They've all been taken down! i need some real help, and i would appreciate anyone if they can help me. i'll even send some funds via paypal if i can get this done quick. its 1am and i need my phone. I go to highschool. do you know what it's like for a highschool kid, not to have his droid? oh hell. i've done it once before, im not a happy camper. Please help.

I tried SBF'ing the 2.2.32 or what ever. the Happy holidays from The black hat stuff, thank god for them, but it's giving me the same problem. So.. am i bricked? i'm unbelievably pissed, and need YOUR help. you're my savior. thank you.

Currently flashing the 4.5.605. I don't want to wait until I get a response with someone, if it comes down to it, i'll buy another phone.. maybe a razr maxx.. oh god. i just got hard..

I was flashing the new SBF i have.. listed in the last edit.. and i unplugged it.. 87% of it rebooting.. i messed up. and on top of it, my battery now says low. im quitting for now, and hoping someone can give me an answer. im going to kill myself. i don't have my warranty now, and i'm think im bricked. i had nightmares of this day, and now its here. please help a young boy.

EDIT 4: Tried doing the 1KDS method of Flashing, and i have flashed the 2.2.34 and the 4.6.605 both in this method, i still get the error code, of A5,70,70,1F or when i start the phone in bootloader mode, it'll show the ..70,00 error code. I'm desperate right now. i need someones help.
If your in the latest update... You need to flash the 621 sbf... They changed something in the bootloader which doesn't allow you to flash the previous sbf files... And you should be fine

"I'll get you my little pretty... And your little dog todo too"
"I don't even have a little dog todo"
Sorry you are having issues and I hope you get it fixed soon. But in the future don't cross post for issues, it can cause lots of confusion. Please refer to this thread to assist the op.


This one is going to be closed up.

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