Emotional support animals


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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I'll admit I do no have any knowledge of this subject so I'm open to some feedback please.

Ok I understand having animals to help with providing guidance for someone who is disabled. I even get they use animals for those to helped them cope with post traumatic stress of war.

But outside of those scenarios can someone explain this to me.

Like are everyone else just looking to slap the "emotional support" harness on the back of their dog as an excuse to allow them to take animals with them everywhere they go?

Again I don't know and I'm open to listening.

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I'm not 100% sure either PC, but I believe dogs can also help people with severe anxiety & depression; people that may otherwise find it difficult to leave their home. I could be wrong, but I have heard of programs like this. Iknow that when I feel over stressed or anxious playing with my dog and petting her always helps my state of mind.

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Thanks. Yeah I honestly did feel that some people were just taking advantage of the "system" to bring their dogs every where. Something I was thinking was selfish for those with pet allergies.

But I wanted to be more informed and not just popping off at the keyboard not having a clue what I was talking about. But I can see it from that standpoint that people need them to keep calm when they are around people to keep them from going into a panic attack.

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Thanks. Yeah I honestly did feel that some people were just taking advantage of the "system" to bring their dogs every where. Something I was thinking was selfish for those with pet allergies.

But I wanted to be more informed and not just popping off at the keyboard not having a clue what I was talking about. But I can see it from that standpoint that people need them to keep calm when they are around people to keep them from going into a panic attack.

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I am not 100% sure that they can be used for that "officially". A friend has a daughter with severe anxiety issues, she does not do well in public situations. I believe they told me once that her doctor / therapist suggested a service dog as an option to help lessen her anxiety and help her remain calm in public. To my knowledge they have not gone that route, but I believe they said it was an option.
an emotional support animal is still supposed to be registered as such and you should have a letter from a doctor for one. You cannot just slap a harness on a animal and claim it is one. In addition there are different rules regard emotional support animals as opposed to service animals since they are not trained so they may or may not be allowed in places. In addition they are not considered service animals under the Americans with disability Act.
My daughter-in-law who is former military has a support dog. Her dog went through a very specific training programming (Patriot Rovers Inc.) starting at a very young puppy age. So yes it is a thing and it can be a good thing. Sadly like just about every other good thing out there, the system gets severely abused to where go on website and generate a "certificate" so they can take their pet anywhere there they want.
there are so many different rules about this, even between states it is best to just go through a doctor. I did a little research after the previous post and saw what was meant about printing out certificates from no-name sites for a few bucks. No wonder I am always seeing something in the news about businesses keeping support animals out. the rules are a confused mess.