Epic Blue Theme


Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
Hey everyone,

I have the epic bold blue theme, its great except for one problem. I dont know what its called, but the bubble that pops up and says things like; sending message, message sent, and so. Anyways the text in it is black, so I can't see it. Any ideas on how to correct this??

I don't think I have ever seen that text black so I am curios, what ROM are you running that you have the issues on?
That is called the "toast" notification and there is not a setting for it. Did you reboot after you installed and selected the theme?
Yeah not sure what is going on with it. I just installed it on my DX running liquid and it is fine. Did you have any other mods or changes done theme wise? Not sure what else to suggest honestly.
No problem. Let me know what it was if you get it figured out.
had the same problem and didnt figure it out, was also on liquid. I swapped to a different rom and theme yesterday.
my market app icon will not stick with epic or the new theme, my hard headed phone. lol
Very strange, I kind of want to play with it more now and see if I can come up with anything.