Facebook Developing Automatic 'Photo-Sync' Uploads for Android


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Here's a cool bit of news for all of our members who use Facebook regularly. Apparently, Zuckerberg and Co. are working on a pretty nifty and useful little feature. It's called, Facebook Photo Sync, and it's basically a way to automatically upload photos to Facebook via your Android smart-device. Here's a quote with a more detailed description,

Facebook has begun testing a new feature for Android owners that syncs photos you shoot on your phone straight to your Facebook account. It's a hybrid of Google+'s instant photo-upload feature and Apple's Photostream, which uploads any picture you take to the cloud and syncs it with your other iOS devices and computers. With Facebook's Photo Sync, any time you take a picture on your Android device, the photo uploads but remains private inside a "Synced from Phone" tab inside the social network's new Photos page.

The "Photo Sync" feature appears to be only rolling out to select users — a common tactic Facebook employs when deciding what products are ready for prime time. Tech pundit and Rackspace evangelist Robert Scoble spotted the feature a few weeks ago, and now, a number of users have reported seeing the feature added to their account. Facebook confirmed to The Verge that it was testing the new feature (which has its own Facebook Help Center page) on a "really small" scale, but didn't comment on whether it will roll out worldwide or remain in testing. Facebook most recently updated its Android app with batch photo uploading.

There have been third party apps in the market that doing something like this, but small tweaks to the core app are almost always appreciated. What do you guys think?

Source: TheVerge
Ughhh I dont trust them to keep my private photos PRIVATE!!

Not on board with this one. :icon_eek:
Could end up disastrous if somebody takes a discreet shot of themselves :) hey it happens
It'll save me a step, and I DGAF about the data usage for both G+ and FB syncing up thanks to still holding an unlimited data plan for at least a year and a half still. :)
Google+ already does this (crap, did it since the beginning) and yeah I can confirm you sometimes forget when you take a picture. Fortunately, (a) I made that particular album private and more importantly (b) I NEVER take pictures of things I DON'T want on the internet. :biggrin:

But yeah...nobody..uses....Google+ anyway.

I hate this Auto SYNCH AND PUBLISH my photos, crap. Annoyed me when I accidentally set G+ up to do it and I turned it off.
I use DropBox to synch my photos PRIVATELY to my PC> I will then upload what I want to FB.

Another bad FB idea. But nothing can sink the FB ship I am convinced. Constantly doing stuff users HATE yet no one leaves.

I have tried hard to get my friends on G+... out of 104 FB friends I got 2 to join G+.
It's hopeless. Never seen a company have such a hold on people before...

Disappointed my favorite Droid site thinks this is a cool idea...
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Well there goes all photo digression on FB now.
So, does this mean they will also fix the issues with Android Facebook?

Sent from my Nexus 7
I like it with Dropbox and Google+, as it's nice to have access to my phones photos while using my tablet or computer.