Facebook photos not showing up


Active Member
Jun 23, 2011
Reaction score
lexington sc
I'm runnin cm9 on d4 and I synced my contacts from facebook to my contacts..well none of my contact photos are showing up..
Any ideas?
Does Facebook show up as an option under accounts and sync?
it does..Ijust resynced it to..it doesn't sound major but that's the fastest way to find who i need in my contacts is faces
I know the Facebook app does not play real well with ICS so it may just be that. You can try an app from the market, such as Friendcaster, that worked for me when I was having issues. Also, you could try clearing data on the app and logging back in.
Yes sir u are right!....clear data on fb?.....I do think friend caster will solve my problem because the artic rom said the same thing .thanks man Iwill give it a shot
All that did was give me another problem...
It deleted ALL my other contacts that were just phone numbers..now all I have is fb contacts, and if there profile doesn't have there numbers listed I have no way of contacting them.
My gmail is still synced where I saved my contacts to
Clearing data on the Facebook app deleted the non-Facebook contacts from your phone? That is really odd and I can't imagine how that happened, all it should have done is made you need to log back into the app.

What steps did you follow?
Lol...I thought that is what happened but it didn't...I forgot u can go an check what u want to appear in ur contacts. And since I cleared the data for facebook, the contact pix are showing up now....so thanks pimpin:icon_ banana:
No problem, glad to hear it's all good now :biggrin: