Farewell and thank you!


Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Alas, after 7 months with a Droid Pro (VZW), I am leaving the Android fold for Win7 phone - the alternative I didn't know existed. I want to extend a warm thank-you to all of you who shared your suggestions, wisdom, and experiences. I learned a lot here (including how to successfully install unrooted GB, which is a huge improvement over Froyo). A special thanks to Guidot whose presence on these forums is a voice of kindness, brevity, and reason in response to any problem, no matter how small or how silly.

The Pro is not for me - though it did a good job of breaking me of the physical keyboard habit I learned as a longtime Blackberry user. As a non-developer, I don't share in the advantages enjoyed by the rooted and the developer community (your customized phones sound amazing - as Android can and should be). With that off the table, what remains (on the Pro anyway) doesn't offset the inconsistency, bugginess, random reboots, repeated SBF's, and keyboard I found myself hating more and more every day. Enough to pay the unsubsidized price for an alternative.

For me, the Windows phone is refreshingly clean and simple... really loving it even before the upcoming mango OS update. It is refreshing to stumble across a non-Blackberry, non-iPhone, non-Android alternative. I won't hijack the android forums with further chatter about the new phone. My point here is to thank you all. You are a very welcoming and generous community. My experience with the forums has been great... it's just the device I can ultimately do without!

Thank you!
Sorry to see you go Rocket Girl!

I can certainly empathize (or is it sympathize?) with your needs and some of the problems you faced with the Droid Pro...while I am fairly happy with my rooted GB Pro, I have issues with many of the bugs and inconsistencies that you've mentioned. Not sure where I will go to from the Pro, but glad you have found a device that fits your needs...which is all anybody can ask for...

Take care!
Hate to see you go but wish you the best with your future wp7 device. I tried out a friends wp7 phone the other day for a few minutes. Very simple interface but not really for me. Anyways good luck n have fun.

Sent from my DROID Pro using DroidForums
Thank you for the kind words rocket_girl.

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience here, and maybe someday you will be back.

Good luck with your new OS and new smartphone! :blackberry: lol
Always hate to see someone leave, but as a side note we have a sister site devoted to WP7. Hope you can find a new home there. Good luck and enjoy your new phone.

end of line...
Good luck rocket_girl...hope you wp7 phone works out for you.