First all Google stock apps force close, now Market keeps force closing


New Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Hi all,

I've had my Droid Incredible since last July and have had no problems, until the last couple of days.

Here's what happened: one of my apps started force closing a lot and instead of just un-installing/re-installing just that one app, I shut off my phone and took the battery (stupid, I know.. don't ask why haha). I guess I had taken the battery off before it was completely shut down, and when it booted back up.. NONE of my downloaded apps didn't work or were deleted, all my contacts were gone, etc.

Called up Verizon and they had me dial *288 to re-program because my market wasn't working. I had to re-download all the apps again, but luckily my contacts/texts/most data I had backed up.

Anyways, that's where the problems started. After I had finished re-downloading all my apps, it seemed to be working fine for awhile, but yesterday all my stock google apps were force closing (google maps, navigation, etc). I re-booted and they started working fine. Then last night, I un-installed an app, and after that, the Market keeps force closing. It will load up, even let me search for apps, but once I try to download one or I try to open my downloaded apps folder, it keeps force closing.

I've tried the suggestions that I've seen on the forum (rebooting, taking out the battery, going to Applications and clearing the data/cache, as well as un-installing and re-installing Market) but it keeps force closing.

Is there anyway I can fix this without having to do a Factory Reset? And if I absolutely have to do a factory reset, how will I update it to Froyo 2.2 (as I got an OTA update, from my 2.1) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!! (and apologies for my long post)

Phone Info:
Droid Incredible on Verizon
Froyo 2.2
Similar Issues with My DI

Just yesterday I had some very similar issues going on with my DI. I had damaged my inner screen a couple of weeks ago and had it repaired and when I got it back on yesterday, it started doing all kinds of crazy things. It would loop constantly, apps would disappear, my phone directory disappeared and a heck of a lot of force closes on everything. I started checking all the forums to see what might be going on and have figured that for some reason a lot of DI's have been experiencing these same, or near same issues.

Now when I think about it my phone had actually been doing a lot of force closures prior to my screen being damaged. I have had my phone for almost a year and up until a few months ago I had never experienced any problems until I think just shortly after the latest FROYO (sp) update.

In any case after reading a gazillion forums last night I finally resorted to the factory reset but only after backing up everything on my phone. I would highly recommend that you use AppBrain to backup your apps and make sure your contacts are backed up on Google. I also removed my SD card. If you have any pictures on your phone internal storage make sure you back those up as well.

Well after doing two factory resets, the first one seemed to work for a short while then the looping started again. Finally after the second reset and many hours of frustration I decided about 3 AM that I had enough pulled the battery and left it "naked" over night. Got up today and held my breath and put in the battery, recharged, put in new SD card, uploaded all my apps and so far it has returned to the DI that I simply love!

Not sure what really happened and as long as I don't have a repeat of the "wild things" going on I will consider the many hours of cursing a frustration a HUGE reward for having my DI back!!

And finally, thank God for backups!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope this helps!dancedroid
Google is having some big issues. They will not respond to tech support issues but if you go to gmail and read their forums you will see tons of people are having problems with gmail also. It has happened to me also so I feel your pain.

I hate to admit the tl;dr on this one, but I'm getting the phone wasn't rooted. Did you update all the stock google apps? I believe you have to physically download them from the market because the pre-installed google apps won't update themselves unless you do so. i.e. the most current YouTube app is MILES better than the pre-installed version (the widget is pretty good, too). That might be a little help, but I dunno.