[Follow-Up] Google Calls Out US Government on NSA Spying Issue

SOPA...yeah, SOPA. For a second I thought you guys were totally misspelling Android Open Source Project -> AOSP!!! LOL

I'm like, "Why would Google be anti-AOSP?!?!??!"

I had this coffee cup made back in 09 when things were just starting to go crazier than just the patriot act and the DHS being added to the presidential cabinets.
It's, imo, even more relevant 4 years later.
I still use the cup everyday as you may notice by the stains :)

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A Rezound phone was used for this Tapatalk post
Also to the OP the leaks name was not William Binney. it is Edward Snowden.

Thanks for the catch. For some reason the source I was using had the name wrong. I thought it looked strange, but it was a busy day yesterday so I just ran with it. Not sure why the other article had the wrong name... At any rate.... I have updated the OP.
@ Mandymakesapps
I do see what you're saying but have to disagree. Sopa & Pipa were two totally different things than Prism. First of all Sopa & Pipa had complete transparency in the public eye dealing with congress. These two bills would have radically changed the internet for users worldwide into a non free system. Prism was a top secret court order with a Gag addendum to all it was issued to. This forced companies to participate in an unprecedented warentless seizure of everyones data within these companies. They had No choice if they wanted to obey the Government. Prism was Unlawful under our 4th amendment. Google was able to fight Sopa & Pipa due to its widespread transparency. It was ineffectual to fight the mandated top secret court order called Prism. I also believe this is just a PR move by Google. Their hands were tied just like every one else's

Also to the OP the leaks name was not William Binney. it is Edward Snowden.

Perhaps it was a PR move, but they claim that none of the info on their servers has been compromised, so we don't know for sure. This whole thing is beginning to seem like that Will Smith/Gene Hackman movie... "Enemy of the State." Spooky stuff!
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With all due respect to the author Google isn't taking the government to task. Taking them to task would be fighting some of this in court. Especially the PRISIM system.

This is a PR move.

Just saw this on the news this morning. Google or any of the other companies involved, had no recourse at all, with the FISA they could not challenge it in court, they could not tell anyone about the order and they could not refuse to hand over the information requested. Thank your congress for the FISA laws.