geotaging pics

Duke of Advil

Apr 26, 2011
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How do I make sure my pics that I take and share from my Galaxy 5 has the geotaging turned off? Also. Can I take pics I have already taken and remove the tags?
Simply open up your camera, go into settings, scroll down to "location tags" and turn it off. (It should be off by default)
I'm not sure about removing tags after you've already taken a photo, hopefully someone will have an answer for you on that one.

tap'n on my S5
I have not found a way yet to remove the GeoTag data once saved to a pic. I have a few pics in my Gallery from when it was turned on (for a test) and it seems to be imbedded into the picture (s). Once its turned off though, all subsequent pics do not have the Geo Tag data saved into them.

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