getting pictures from sd card. help!!!


New Member
Dec 24, 2009
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i am trying to save a picture that was sent to me in a picture message. i know to select save to SD card, and that it should show up in my picture gallery. The problem i am having is nothing is showing up in my gallery. i have tried the applications and successfully seen the picture saved on my card, but i cannot find a way to actually save or transfer it from my card into my gallery. i am positive that my card is mounted into my phone. anyone else experiencing this? suggestions? solutions?!
If the picture file is saved on your SD card the gallery should display it. Gallery scans the entire SD card for any images. Is the image a jpg? png? What format is it?

Can you view the picture from your SD card? (Click on the file and have the viewer open?) If not then I'd say the file might be the issue.