Gmail for Android Getting Major Upgrades: Unified Inbox, Improved Search & More


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It looks like those Gmail engineers at Google are not asleep at the wheel, (not that we thought they were). A new update will be pushed out to Gmail on Android sometime soon, and it adds several awesome new features. First, Google improved the search functionality within Gmail on Android. It also offers newly improved Drive integration and a better auto-complete. The next biggest add-on is the new “Conversation view” which will be added to your Yahoo, Outlook, and other IMAP/POP accounts.

The final cherry on top is that Google added a unified inbox. This is basically an “All inboxes” option that brings all of your email accounts into a single view. This will let you avoid needing to move between multiple accounts all of the time. Also, just in case you don't like it, you can skip the “All inboxes” option. You will find it in your slideout navigation menu, in case you want to view all of your email merged into one account. From the handiness of these new add-ons, it looks like the folks at Google have been taking some creativity pills!

There's no word on when this will start pushing out, but we will keep you apprised.
It reminds me of the way iOS combines your email inboxes into one global inbox.
Don't know if this has been in the works or is the result of the new Outlook "All" feature, but it is much welcomed (and long overdue).
I am pleased with this update - I like the "unified inbox"...for those who are not sure if they will like it, it is not a default setting - just available from the slide menu and once you exit the app returns to the last inbox you were viewing before selecting "all mail"...
I like conversation view but I hate unified inbox. I like my apps seperate for each account. I use them for different reasons and don't want them all in one place.

I'm fairly neutral on conversation view, but I agree completely about the unified inbox. I have three Gmail accounts, and I use each differently. Having them all together would be a nightmare.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk 2
I love having a unified inbox. That's the reason I don't use gmail now. I have one gmail account and three yahoo accounts. I'll have to enable it and check it out with the new update.
I don't mind unified inbox, as long as it's readily apparent which address the email I'm looking at was sent to. Even now, with the ability to add POP/IMAP accounts, I sometimes get confused which account I'm in and have to slide the sidebar out to figure it out. Maybe I'm missing something?

I'll tell you the feature they need to add and I can't believe it exists in my stock email app from Samsung, but it's GROUPS! I've complained at length in at least one other thread, so I'll make this short, I have a contact group setup in my Google account, as well as on the phone itself. The stock email app will let me use the group that's setup in my phone. Gmail won't let me use the group in my phone or select the group that's setup in my google contacts. I don't get it. And that address gets many emails that I have to forward to other board members, so I have to keep it setup in the stock email app while I use gmail for my other 4-5 addresses. Lame.
Am I the only one that absolutely hates Conversation View?

"Absolute hate" doesn't even begin to describe my flat out loathing for Conversation View. Despise, detest. I was going to roll out the new Outlook for Android to my Android people, and the first person I tested it on got upset because she missed an email from was in the chain of the "Conversation View" and as of now there is no way to turn that off.
Dear Google: not all of us like BRIGHT WHITE OBNOXIOUSLY BRIGHT APPS. Some of us actually work and use our phones in darkened areas, and we don't want BRIGHT WHITE GLARING AT US from our phones. Dark mode would be a nice addition, until then... forget it.
Dear Google: not all of us like BRIGHT WHITE OBNOXIOUSLY BRIGHT APPS. Some of us actually work and use our phones in darkened areas, and we don't want BRIGHT WHITE GLARING AT US from our phones. Dark mode would be a nice addition, until then... forget it.
That would be a deal killer for me to. I like everything on dark mode. That's why I don't use Google messenger.