Google Sign In prevents new WIFI hotspot login - every new hotspot I join


New Member
Jun 5, 2014
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Razr Maxx has developed a major problem since last upgrade. I travel heavily and everytime I attempt to join a new wifi hotspot for the first time I can open the hotspot login screen, but within 0.5 secs I get a new popover screen saying "google sign in incorrect, please renter your username and password to login".
  • I enter the correct id & password it just returns to the google sign in screen again saying its incorrect (presumably because it cant access the server yet as I'm roaming and no data access is possible until wifi is logged in)
  • If I cancel the dialogue I can get to the homescreen and open a browser and can see the wifi login screen and begin to type that userid/pword, but within .5 seconds the google sign in popup reappears reapeatedly over the browser (and even over itself). Cancelling the dialogue just gets me .2 seconds before it reappears.
  • If I painstakingly enter the wifi id/pword one letter at a time bouncing from 'google incorrect' to browser I can eventually login in to the hotspot (only takes about 10 minutes...) and then the google dialogue can complete successfully and will disappear until I move to another new hotspot.

Any suggestions gratefully received as this is driving me steadily crazy.
Welcome to the Forum.

Certainly sounds like an OS bug. I guess you can log out of Google services until the issue is fixed.