Google+ Will Require Active Profiles and will Delete Private Ones Starting Aug. 1st


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Google seems to be taking a mildly draconian tact regarding private profiles on its Google+ Social Networking Service. Apparently, if you leave your profile "private", Google will be deleting that profile starting August 1st. The pic above is the word "straight from the horse's mouth." You will still be able to keep much of your personal details secret if you need to. You can do this by limiting access to specific elements like your Circles, extended Circles, or anyone on the web. Google simply requires that your full name and gender be available to everyone.

This forced socializing reminds me of a scenario where a kid's mom has guests over with their own kids. The kid's mom keeps saying, "go play with them.", and the kid replies, "but I don't wanna!" The mom replies, "You'll play with them, or you'll be grounded!" I can see Google's point of view in this. What good is a social network if you don't actually use it to be social? It still makes you scratch your head a bit though...

Source: via Engadget and Google+
If you're so privacy-oriented that you can't even display your name and gender on a social network, you probably shouldn't participate in the social network.
I'm not really in the google+ loop at the moment (kind of burned out on FB), but my impression is that this is a good step toward dealing with potential fraud and abuse. Obviously it's not a whole solution, but in any social network, if basic elements of transparency can be implemented, it helps reduce misrepresentation and deception. (As a case in point, look at the quality of discussion on unmoderated news sites that allow anonymous posts.) It seems reasonable that a good degree of privacy can be balanced with the need for security and trust.

Couldn't someone just change the first and last name in their Google account or create a new Google account with an alias first & last name if they want to remain anonymous?
Couldn't someone just change the first and last name in their Google account or create a new Google account with an alias first & last name if they want to remain anonymous?
Yeah, sure that's easily done. But what about changing gender? :blink:

Seems almost ironic. A private profile feature on a social networking site... why would an anti-social person even want to use a social network? :blink:

It's really annoying that I've had an invite for a week now and I STILL can't get a Google+ profile. What the heck are they waiting for? :icon_cussing:

Seems almost ironic. A private profile feature on a social networking site... why would an anti-social person even want to use a social network? :blink:

It's for people like me. I hate these social networking sites and REFUSE to participate. But sometimes you need an account to take advantage of offers, discounts, etc. You know, the offers that say give us a thumbs up on FB and receive such and such discount.

Guess I'm gonna need a 2nd Google account now and delete all cookies everytime I want to be someone else! I don't want Google knowing my alias's on Gmail! :icon_eek:
If you're so privacy-oriented that you can't even display your name and gender on a social network, you probably shouldn't participate in the social network.

Personally, i like my aliases it's not i'm prone to keeping myself hidden, i just prefer to keep my personalities, separate. I have my real name Ryan for friends and family, and Dwyndal for sites where i share and overshare. My twitter feed is crazy with 1-200 posts a day, i wouldn't bring anyone into that unless they wanted it.

Keeping an alias is my way of separating my social life with my immediate social life. I also dont' trust to many outsiders with my personal life so an alias again is how i was web-raised to be. Hard to break that beast.
Ryan, you just told us your real name, you NUT!!! Let the stalking begin!!! :icon_ banana:

Only for sake of removing flame troll comments. Another issue is if I was to use two accounts and both labeled my full name anytime someone were discussing me or +name to a thread it may not be me. Imagine that chaos and frustration