Hello All


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey everyone.

I just happened upon this forum, while doing some research on new Droid phones, and decided to join up.

Currently have a Droid1 with droidmod and my wife has a laggy-as-hell Eris.

I was planning on picking up a DroidX a couple days ago, to replace the Wife's Eris, but decided to see what else could be on the horizon. Looks like I'll be sticking it out for a Droid Pro (paying full retail, so don't mind waiting another month).

I really want the notepad device for myself, especially as my primary phone - not much of a "phone" form factor to stick in your pocket, but I'm good with that.
Welcome and I am sure that any questions you have or might have can get answered here.

I just get on here and read and read............makes things sooooo much easier when I decide to mod the phone every other day. :icon_ banana: