Home Screen Wont Rotate


Feb 3, 2010
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Good morning everybody, I have searched here and on CM home page. After installing CM6 RC3 my home screen will not rotate. I have 90,180 and 270 checked in the settings and auto screen rotate checked also, my apps rotate just fine its just the home screen will not. I am using the ADWlauncher.
Also is there anyway to remove the unused apps that com with the rom such as Email, and Amazon, I can't just uninstall them. This is my second CM rom and love it, however, I came from UD and it had a place to remove the unwanted apps, I just can't find it in CM
For screen rotation to work, go into Settings/Manage Apps/All and clear the data for ADW Launcher. Your home screens get wiped, but once you manually reload the screens the rotation will work. BTW, don't get cute and try to restore them with Titanium, it won't work. You'll also need to clear and reestablish any widgets.
For screen rotation to work, go into Settings/Manage Apps/All and clear the data for ADW Launcher. Your home screens get wiped, but once you manually reload the screens the rotation will work. BTW, don't get cute and try to restore them with Titanium, it won't work. You'll also need to clear and reestablish any widgets.

Thanks that worked!!!